Yuki Asakura's (Miwako Ichikawa) life is thrown into turmoil when her older brother Taka (Houka Kinoshita) commits suicide. Seeking to understand why her brother died, she consults her former psychology lecturer, Dr. Kunisada (Masahiko Akuta), as a patient. She also meets a former classmate, Ritsuko (Miho Tsumiki), who seems to have an ulterior reason for helping her.
I couldn't take seriously Masahiko Akuta's eye-rolling performance and Miwako Ichikawa appears in a lot of nude scenes, some of which seem unwarranted. There's also some pseudo-scientific mystical explanation (a staple of Japanese screenwriting for the supernatural?) for what is happening, which doesn't have any impact on the plot.
The supernatural elements seem very gimmicky and don't mesh well with the realistic tone of the film. If you ignore them, this film turns out to be a competently made drama about a woman coming to terms with the death of her brother and her troubled past.
Japanese with English subtitles.
3 out of 5 stars.