After David Staebler (Jack Nicholson), a late-night radio host, receives an urgent call from his older brother, Jason (Bruce Dern), he rushes to Atlantic City to find Jason in jail. Jason has been living with Sally (Ellen Burstyn) and Jessica (Julia Anne Robinson) in a hotel room while wrangling a deal to build a casino in Hawaii. However, Jason's employer, Lewis (Scatman Crothers), a shady developer, feels he's been left out of the deal, and has contrived a felony against Jason.
Nicholson has a atypical subdued role, being the shy uptight sibling who tries to keep his brother grounded, while Dern is the impulsive and manic Jason who drags his initially reluctant brother deeper and deeper into his schemes, all the while keeping one step ahead of creditors and holding his entourage together.
This film is a series of loosely connected, noisy, and sometimes pointless scenes. Why does Jason need David to accompany him? Why does David go along with his brother? Why doesn't Lewis simply shut down the whole deal?
Not my cup of tea.
1 out of 5 stars.
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