A young art student, Angélique (Audrey Tautou) becomes infatuated with the Loïc (Samuel Le Bihan), a respected cardiologist, who is married to Rachel (Isabelle Carré). When Loïc does not reciprocate (he is barely aware of her), Angélique plots increasingly desperate and violent ways to separate him from his wife.
From watching recent French films, you might think that erotomania, a delusional belief that another person is in love with you, is a common disease. Coincidentally, one of the stars of this film, Isabelle Carré, goes on to play the main role in a 2007 film, Anna M. about a woman who becomes infatuated with a doctor. Doctors can be so lucky!
What's interesting about this film is casting the wide-eyed Audrey Tautou as the delusional Angélique; she looks so innocent and trusting that you can imagine people believing her point of view. The other interesting aspect is to tell the story from both Angélique's and Loïc's points of view, allowing the viewer to fill in the gaps, left deliberately by writers Laetitia Colombani and Caroline Thivelin, in each other's story. Other than that, the story follows a predictable arc.
French with English sub-titles.
3 out of 5 stars.
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