28 September 2009

Review: Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith

Tears of the Giraffe
Alexander McCall Smith
Abacus, London

In the second in a series of novels that features Botswana female detective, Precious Ramotswe, she searches for an American student who was last seen near the desert 10 years ago. While she solves that mystery, her friend, Mr. J. L. B. Matekoni, proposes to her and also makes an unexpected commitment, and her efficient secretary, Mma Makutsi, gets a case and an ethical problem to solve.

Smith, who was born and lived in southern Africa, shows his strong affinity with the Botswana landscape and people in his work. He writes his characters with kind humour, and even the 'villains' are treated sympathetically. Like his other novels, his protagonists have a idealistic and old-world view, where people are generous within their means, as the giraffe in the title, and treat each other well.

A pleasant read, like a nice afternoon picnic.

3 out of 5 stars.

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